Tian Lipu Attended the 5th Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum


Tian Lipu (Commissioner of SIPO) delivered a speech in the dinner of 2007 Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum


Li Yuguang (Deputy Commissioner of SIPO) delivered a speech in the 2007 Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum


The 5th Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum with the theme "Implication of WTO TRIPS to Asia Economy" was held between October 26 and 27 in Shanghai. Organized by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration (SIPA), School of Law of Shanghai Tongji University, Munich Center of Intellectual Property Law (MCIPL), and School of Law of Stanford University, the forum attracted many officials in IP field,  including Mr.Tian Lipu (Commissioner of SIPO),  Mr. Li Yuguang (Deputy Commissioner of SIPO), Mr.Yang Dinghua (Vice Mayor of Shanghai), Li Yiping (Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Government),Mr. Jon W. Dudas (Director of the US Patent and Trademark Office),Shadeler (Director of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office), Chen Zhixing the (Director of SIPA) as well as officials from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, WIPO, WTO, EU, some countries' consulate general in Shanghai and IP administration of China's provinces and municipalities.


Over thirty experts from countries like China, Germany, America, Australia, India, Viet Nam, Singapore, and from international organizations like WIPO, WTO and EU shared gave their presentations on such issues as the impacts and challenges of TRIPS on the IP system and the economical and social development in the countries of China, India, Japan, Korean, ASEAN and the four East Asian Tigers. In addition, they proposed suggestions to the international patent cooperation and the integration of regional IP fundamental systems.


At the eve of the closing ceremony, organizers jointly declared the Consensus of The 5th Shanghai Intellectual Property Forum, saying that the Asian WTO countries and regions, despite of their differences in history and geography, political and economic systems as well as economical and technological levels, have taken the liability of TRIPS and fulfilled their international duties regulated by TRIPS in IPR protection, while TRIPS had played an active part in trade, investment and technology transfer among these countries, and motivated their progress in technology, economy and social development.


According to the Consensus, since TRIPS were fully carried out in Asian countries, the governments have fully understood the significance of IPR protection in economy development, and formulated or are formulating or completing necessary laws and policies. Even so, such developing countries as China, India, ASEAN and some other Asian countries, because of their low social development level, find it still difficult to achieve similar effectiveness in implementing TRIPS to that in developed countries or regions. In this regard, the Consensus wishes that other WTO members understand the difficulty with a active and pragmatic views, and calls for their aids to those nations in improving their basic IPR systems.


TRIPS has granted its members to adopt necessary measures to keep public health and nutrition, improve public benefits crucial for social, economical and technologic development, and prevent the patentee from misusing his IP rights or restraining trade or technological transfer across countries. As members of WTO, the countries and regions of Asia are encouraged to attach great importance to Compulsory License, anti-trust laws and improve anti-misusing IPR law enforcement procedures. They are also encouraged to establish more rational IP protection rules within the framework of WTO to promote their progress of technology, economy and society.


The Consensus is confident with TRIPS' motivation to technological progress in its contractors, as the implementation of TRIPS has already had a good beginning in Asian countries, especially with the prospect improvement of their basic IPR systems. Therefore, the welfares of society and economy are bound to advance, the object of TRIPS will be accomplished, and all members will enjoy the progress and prosperity.




