Tian Lipu Meeting Minister of Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police



The meeting site

Mr. Tian Lipu giving his remarks

Christoph Blocher in the meeting


On November 2, 2007, Mr. Tian Lipu, commissioner of SIPO, met the minister of Swiss Federal Justice and Police, Mr. Christoph Blocher and his team. The two parties had a profound discussion on cooperation in IP field as well as other issues both concerned.


After expressing his welcome to his guests, Mr. Tian gave a general introduction of SIPO, saying that in recent years China has made dramatic progress in completing IP laws, law enforcement and publicity of IP knowledge, and has organized many joint actions participated by many government departments to crack down IPR infringement. "SIPO is willing to enforce cooperation in IP field with any countries, such as Switzerland," Tian noted.


Mr. Christoph Blocher said that China enjoyed a rapid economic growth, while enforcing IPR protection was also very important. Swiss was willing to set up a cooperation mechanism with China to engage in IPR protection.


Senior officials of SIPO's International Cooperation Department, Legal Affairs Department and Coordination and Administration Department attended the meeting.




