Tian Lipu Attending Opening Ceremony of Zhejiang Online Technical Market Activity Week



Mr. Tian Addressing at the Opening Ceremony


In the morning of Nov. 8th, 2007 China Zhejiang Online Technical Market Activity Week and Hangzhou Hi-Tech Fair was open at Zhejiang World Trade Center in Hangzhou. Mr. Zhao Hongzhu, Party Secretary of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Mr. Lv Zushan, Governor of Zhejiang Province, Mr. Cao Jianlin, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO attended the opening ceremony and visited the fair.


In his address at the opening ceremony, Mr. Tian said that Zhejiang Online Technology Market is one of the largest and most influential technical markets in China, an online platform of high function in distributing technological resources, and also a valuable practice in implementing China's IP strategy as well as pursuing a new industrial development path. He called for all IP administrations in each province, municipality and autonomous region to work together with local science and technology department to build up its own online technical market with local specialties. "The development of online technical market should be combined with the reform of scientific and technological system, and combined with social and economic development. Universities, research institutes and enterprises ought to make full us of the online market to enforce the cooperation among production and research units as well as different research fields, and to speed up the application and industrialization of independent IP achievements," the commissioner noted.

The senior officials visiting the fair


With a principle of "Self- Innovation and Win-Win Cooperation", the fair concentrated on technologies concerning energy and resources saving, pollution reduction but with high output, adopted online and face-to-face trading methods, helped technologies, capitals link with the producers, and promoted the cooperation between research institutes and enterprises. These consequently stimulated the development of technical innovation and hi-tech industry in Zhejiang Province.


Some one hundred units, including universities, enterprises and IP agents, attended the fair, a delegation from Italian Campagna, which specially came for the fair and technological cooperation forum, representatives from Consulates General to Shanghai, attended the event. During the Week and Fair period, some competition, forums, exhibitions were held.


It is learnt that the Week is organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, SIPO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Zhejiang Provincial Government.




