Tian Lipu Met David O'Sullivan



Tian Lipu introducing patent application in China

The two parties having a talk


In the morning of Nov. 14th, 2007, Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, met David O'Sullivan, Director-General for Trade in EU European Commission, who has a visit to China with his delegation. The two parties had a friendly and sincere conversation on IP issues.


Mr. Tian, after expressing his welcome to his guests, introduced the latest development of SIPO, as well as the third amendment of Patent Law of China. "IP is an important part in China-EU economic and technological relations, and SIPO has attached great attention to the exchange and cooperation with EU and its member countries", Tian said. He also hoped the meeting would help the understanding between the two parties.


According to the Commissioner, China has been paid great importance to IPR protection, and enforced IP law enforcement. Chinese government also studied a lot from the western countries in IPR creation, application and management. "We wish EU would continue its support and assistance to China in IP development, " Tian added.


Mr. O'Sullivan expressed his gratitude to Tian's introduction about China's IP situation, and said that EU had noticed the great attention from Chinese government to IP issues, and also felt grateful for China's effort in IPR protection. "EU is willing to provide assistance China needs and further the cooperation and exchange."


Mr. Lv Guoliang, director of SIPO International Cooperation Department, Mr. Yin Xintian, director of Legal Affairs Department, attended the meeting.




