Mr. Tian Lipu Met President of EUCCC in China and His Delegation


The two parties having a friendly meeting.


On 15th November, Mr. Tian Lipu, the Commissioner of SIPO, met a delegation led by Mr. Joerg Wuttke, the president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC). The two parties had a good talk and exchanged their ideas on issues both interested in IP field. Mr. Joerg Wuttke also handed over the European Business in China Position Paper.


After giving his warm welcome to his guests, Mr. Tian introduced the third amendment of the Patent Law of China, and gave high remarks to the Position Paper. "Chinese government has attached a high attention to IP, and the17th CPC National Congress, just closed days ago, asked to implement the National IP Strategy in China. It's a necessity of China to protect intellectual property rights, and Chinese government will continue to complete the IP system and strengthen the IPR protection," Mr. Tian noted. "SIPO appreciates any suggestion on IP from the EU Chamber members and European companies."


Mr. Joerg Wuttke said that the EU companies had been fully realized of the high attention of Chinese government and relative institutions had given to the IP issues, which had become one of the import duties of Chinese government. He also felt grateful to the efforts Chinese government had made in the field, and hoped to further the mutual communications.


The two parties also exchanged their views on some specific topics in IP field.

