Zhang Qin Attended the Opening Ceremony of the First China Patent Week


In the morning of November 16, the First China Patent Technology Exhibit and Exchange Week(hereinafter referred as China Patent Week), was unveiled in more than 20 provinces and municipalities at the same time. Zhang Qin, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, attended the opening ceremony in Beijing and delivered a speech.


According to Zhang, China Patent Week was a nation-wide patent exhibit and trade event, and there would be many special, public and professional activities to be held to accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of patents technology.
Zhang Qin, Zhao Qinping, Vice Minister of Education, Liu Zhi, deputy secretary-general of the Beijing municipal government attending the opening ceremony.


Zhang Qin said that in order to meet the requirements of building China to be an innovation-oriented country, SIPO formulated and implemented a plan of establishing a national patent technology trade platform last year, and has made dramatic progress. SIPO, following the principle put forward in the report on 17th Communist Party of China National Congress, taking the patent technology trading platform as an opportunity, timely launched the Chinese Patent Week.


"The China Patent Week is an open event, will be themed with the principles of jointly develop the IP market, share the achievements of IP and promote social harmony, and is dominated with public service," he said. "China Patent Week will be held each year in the future, and try to be the largest annual patent trade fair with good reputation, in order to promote construction of innovation-oriented country and innovative cities, to promote the transformation of independent IPR to actual productivity and the development IP knowledge-based economy," Zhang noted.


It is learned that the First China Patent Week was hosted by SIPO with the support of China National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Education, governments of relevant provinces and municipalities, State Development Bank, etc. In the five-day-long Patent Week, Beijing region will be the main venue with other over 20 provinces and municipalities as sub-venues, but the patents were all exhibited on website.

