Yang Tiejun Met Delegation of Hong Kong IPD



The two parties have a friendly conservation.

Mr. Yang Tiejun, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO

Ms. Pancy Fung, Assistant Director of IPD


On November 19, Mr. Yang Tiejun, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, held a talk with visiting delegation headed by Ms. Pancy Fung, Assistant Director of Intellectual Property Department (IPD) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The two parties cordially exchanged their ideas on issues both interested in IP field.


After expressing welcome to visitors, Mr.Yang introduced the overall situation of SIPO as well as the progress of formulating National IP Strategy. He noted that President Hu Jintao pledged at the recent 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that China would implement the National IP Strategy, indicating China's IPR protection would enter a new stage of development.


Ms. Fung extended her gratitude to Mr. Yang and briefed the work performance of IPD and the situation of IP in Hong Kong. She said that IPD appreciated SIPO's help and would actively cooperate with SIPO in the IP field to promote the country's economic growth.




