Wen Jiabao: China is Willing to Deepen Dooperation in IP with Other Countries


On November 19, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the National University of Singapore. Wen noted that China has a clear and determined attitude to IPR protection, and has done a lot of effective work in the field, and is willing to further cooperation in IP with other countries.


Mr. Wen said in his speech that the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China which convened in October summarized and fully confirmed the experience and achievements China made by reforming and opening up in the past thirty years, highlighted China's resolve to pursue reform and opening up and to build socialism with distinctive Chinese characteristics. "The Congress reiterated national confidence in accomplishing this endeavor, and declared that China will follow the opening-up policy unswervingly," Wen noted.


"We favor free trade and oppose protectionism," he said, "We will speed up changing the mode of trade growth, improve the trade mix and strive to reduce trade imbalances. China will participate in economic globalization at a higher level and focus on addressing new issues in opening up."


The Chinese premier also indicated that China is committed to the basic policy of introducing foreign capital and will develop innovative ways, optimize the structure and raise the efficiency of introducing foreign capital. "We will continue to follow an independent, gradual and controllable approach in improving the Chinese yuan exchange rate mechanism, increasing its flexibility and gradually make the Chinese yuan convertible under the capital account," he said.


"China attaches a high attention to product quality and food safety," Mr. Wen said, "and China, with a responsibility to domestic and foreign consumers, will make its products in international standards, while enforce examination, supervision and law enforcement."


Regarding climate change, Wen said that China is ready to join world efforts in tackling climate change within the framework of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and in accordance with the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities."


"We have put in place the legal framework governing opening up and will continue to improve it to place foreign investment activities in China under the rule of law and protect the lawful rights and interests of foreign investors," the premier said.


Recently, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently set up an organization known as "Business China," which offers a new platform for conducting cultural and business exchanges between the two countries. "We hope 'Business China' will create more opportunities for the growth of China-Singapore relations," the Chinese premier said. China and Singapore can expect new opportunities for cooperation in development as China, guided by its scientific outlook on development, strives to build a moderately prosperous society and Singapore is pursuing a strategy to remake the country, Wen noted.


"We will continue to increase exchanges and cooperation with Singapore, we have undisputed confidence in the future of China-Singapore relations, our cooperation will have an even brighter future," he added.


"By drawing on their respective strengths and maintaining close cooperation, China and Singapore have both become winners," Mr. Wen said.


