The First China Patent Week Closed


On November 20, the First China Patent Week was closed with a big success. A total of 670 million worth of contracts were signed during the 5-day-long event.During the week, various activities, such as forums, symposiums and promotion conferences, were held in each municipalities and provinces, and all of these activities were all around the theme jointly building IP market, sharing IP achievement and promoting social harmony.

In the past 5 days, each province and municipality, basing on the general arrangement of the Week, sponsored a series of activities to serve small and medium-sized enterprises, on-duty invention holders, universities and research institutes. Some special programs were also arranged to exhibit technology patents in energy saving, agriculture, creative industry and safety equipment. Lectures, symposiums and forums specifying in industrialization of IPR, investment and financing, as well as promotion activities for some key patents, were also held in the past days.

The successful Week also witnessed birth of many agreements. On the first day in Jinan, Shandong Province, for example, there were some 330 agreements of intent signed valuing 1.28 billion yuan. Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing as well as some other provinces also enjoyed their achievements. According to a statistics from 18 provinces and municipalities, during the Patent Week period, a total of 240 agreements were signed with a total of 670 million yuan, 2,300 enterprises and 2,100 people attended the exhibition, while more than 170,000 people participated the activities.

The successful operation of the First China Patent Week will promote the innovation and development of China’s IPR market, help the building of innovative provinces and municipalities, and accelerate the development of knowledge-based economy, as well as transformation of IPR to productive force.

