The Second Chinese Inventor Forum Held in Beijing


Jointly sponsored by China Association of Inventors, Science & Technology Daily and China IPR News Agency, the forum was held in Beijing on November 29. Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress and the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a keynote report themed as "Invention Changes the World and Creates the Future". He appealed a favorable environment for inventions in the effort of building China to be an innovative country.


In his speech Mr. Lu said that invention is motivated by the human development, a result of human experience and exchange with the natural world, a combination of human wisdom and creativity, as well as knowledge to the natural rules and the ability to utilize the knowledge. "Invention is also the innovation of human productivities and lifestyle. Invention renovates production tools and means, changes the productive relationships and then, social structure. What is more, invention even changes human itself, and the world politics and economics are consequently, transformed," he noted.


"Invention leads to the future, a new age of wireless information network, an age consuming clean and sustainable energy and a new-type energy-saving and environment-friendly economy. We believe that invention will bring about a recyclable and biological economy, and even modify public value and ethics we have nowadays," said the Vice-Chairman.


Mr. Lu also stressed the urgency to build up a sound environment for inventors. First of all, according to him, China should change the idea of education to all-around development, especially the consciousness and capability of innovation, and focused on raising innovative talent.


"We should complete the legal system to encourage and protect invention, and establish a justified, honest, innovation-friendly market," Mr. Lu said. "A social environment and cultural atmosphere, which are open, democratic, equal, just, honest, tolerant and innovation-friendly, should be built up. To realize this goal, the government, enterprises and the public should expand their investment and support to the infrastructural construction of innovation and education, so as to have a fertile environment, rich nutrition and abundant innovative seeds," he urged.


It is learned that the first forum happened last year had been highly recognized and caught wide attention from all circles of society. Themed as "Innovation and Establishment --- Leading Enterprises as Innovative Entities", the forum this year was about to promote independent innovation and massive creativities, and to popularize the ideas of creating a new career by invention and protecting IPR, so as to turn the image of China from "Made in China" to "Invented by China" and even "Created by China".

