PCT China Conference Held in Beijing



The Conference field


In the morning of Dec.3, an international conference on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), co-organized by WIPO and SIPO, was held in Beijing. Mr.Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Francis GURRY, Deputy Director General of WIPO, senior officials from WIPO and SIPO and delegates from many other countries such as Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Cameroon and Sri Lanka, as well as other institutions and enterprises, attended the opening ceremony.


In the two-and-half-day long conference, delegates have a thorough discussion on the current and future development of PCT and exchange the experience in applying PCT by enterprises. Keynote speakers, including He Hua, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO and experts from different fields, presented their ideas.


Delegates to PCT China Conference

Delegates to the conference


Enterprises are the direct users of PCT and, their demand is the motivation of PCT progress, so there are many topics discussed during the conference concerned by the enterprises, such as how to make PCT better meet the demand of applicants and how to use PCT as a development mean. Representatives from Huawei, IBM, P&G, Lenovo, ZTE, Fudan University as well as the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduce their experience, and share their ideas with all participants on these topics.


The conference also reviews the development of PCT in the past three decades, especially the progress China made in the recent years, and outlooks the bright future of PCT.


What is more, the conference also establishes a platform for all participants to exchange ideas and future cooperation.


It is believed the PCT China will have positive influence to the healthy development of PCT, the international patent application system.




