The Central Economic Working Conference: to Emphasize IP Strategy


China Central Economic Working Conference was held between Dec. 3 and 5 in Beijing. Hu Jintao, Secretary-General of Communist Party of China and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered important speeches at the conference respectively. They analyzed the domestic and international situations, and proposed a clear guideline, target and duty for China's economic development in 2008. The conference also called for full implement IP Strategy.


The conference asked to upgrade independent innovation ability, to promote industrial structure readjustment and upgrading. China will concentrate on making breakthrough in crucial technologies which limits the social and economic development, speed up the key national scientific and technological projects, and try to make strategic progress in fields of advantages, the conference said.


"We must identify the mainstay of enterprises, complete the legal and policy system as well as the market environment for encouraging and guaranteeing technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, take the full play of State-owned enterprises in independent innovation, and to fully carry out the IP Strategy," the conference concluded.


Meanwhile, the conference held that in 2008 China will develop its modern industrial system and enforce its international competence by upgrading its industrial structure, and try to establish new advantage on the base of scientific and technological progress as well as innovation.

