The 10th China Patent Award Evaluation Meeting Closed


On December 7, the 10th China Patent Award Evaluation Meeting closed, with 15 gold medal winners and 145 awards declared for demonstration. Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO and chairman of the meeting, presided the meeting in the afternoon.


Within the one-month demonstration period, the public can give their different ideas to the results, and at the end of the demonstration period, the meeting will finally approve these awards if there are no different opinions or the opinions do not establish.


On January 18, SIPO started the evaluation program, and had received 318 applicants recommended by the ministries, local IP administrations, nation-level enterprises, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the members of Chinese Academy of Engineering. After a strict examination, 293 of them passed the first round examination. In September this year, these items were distributed to various professional groups, such as machinery, electronics, telecommunication, chemical and medical, and these groups finally selected 31 for gold medals and 129 for awards. 


The award, established by SIPO in 1989, is the exclusive government patent award held every two years, and has been approved by WIPO.

