WIPO Asia-Pacific Symposium on IPR Law Enforcement Held in Beijing


On December 13, WIPO Asia-Pacific Symposium on Effective IPR Law Enforcement was held in Beijing. Mrs. Louise Van Greunen Vuagnat, Deputy Director of WIPO Enforcement and Special Projects Division, and Mr. Lv Guoliang, Director of SIPO International Cooperation Division, presented at the opening ceremony. Over 50 officials from 23 countries serving at Customs, IP offices and other government agencies participated the symposium.


Jointly organized by WIPO, SIPO and Japan Patent Office (JPO), the symposium was organized for promoting the sustainable cooperation relationship between Chinese customs, IP office and law enforcement departments with other countries in Asia-Pacific region.


The participants had profound discussion on such issues as general situation of global counterfeit and piratical problems, the policy and strategy on strengthening effective IPR law enforcement, the significant effect of customs law enforcement as well as how to attract the public attention to counterfeit and piratical problems, etc.


