Tian Lipu Visited Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Australia


From November 18 to 28, Commissioner of SIPO Tian Lipu led a delegation to Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Australia. During the trip, Mr. Tian held the talk with Acting Director General of African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), delivered a speech on IP protection in China as keynote speaker at the opening ceremony of the 11th Ministers Session of the ARIPO Council hosted by Lesotho. He also stopped by the Chinese Embassy in Lesotho.


During the visit in Australia, Mr. Tian attended the regular annual Minister Talk with his Australia counterpart, and then visited the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and the Chinese Embassy in Australia, where he gave a report titled as "Independent Innovation and Intellectual Property".


It is the first time for SIPO to visit ARIPO, Mr. Tian Lipu and Acting Director General of ARIPO exchanged the general situation and the latest development of both countries, and deeply discussed the main bilateral cooperation projects in the coming year.


In addition, the delegation attended the opening ceremony of the 11th Ministers Session of the ARIPO Council and the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of ARIPO. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Tian delivered a speech on the general situation and experience of China in IP field, as well as the cooperation on IP between China and Africa. His speech won a warm feedback from the African countries. As the highest decision organ of APIPO, the Council of Ministers consists of the ministers in IP affairs of African member countries, and is responsible for formulating policies and setting the development direction of ARIPO.


Tian's stay in Australia was shortly before Dr. Ian Heath, the current General Director of IP Australia, was going to leave off his position, so Mr. Tian gave a high remark to the General Director on the cooperation between two parties during the conversation, and expressed the wishes to promote the further cooperation with the new General Director. At the meeting, both sides exchanged ideas on the current cooperation between the two offices and the trend of international IP. Meanwhile, they reached common understanding on such issues for future cooperation as hosting a symposium each other in turn, examiners; exchange and training.


In his trip to DFAT, Mr. Tian exchanged ideas on Doha Talk and some IP issues related to Sino-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Australian said that Australian Industry Group (AI Group) attached a high attention on the IP protection environment in China, as that could directly impact AI Group's investment in China. Therefore, in order to publicize the achievement China made in IP protection, both parties agreed to jointly sponsor a publicizing meeting for AI next year, for which, SIPO would organize a publicize delegation including experts from SIPO and other IP related institutions.


Mr. Tian was invited gave a report in to the staff of Chinese Embassy in Australia on "Independent Innovation and Intellectual Property". With specific cases and unadorned words, he introduced the basic concept of IP, the relationship between independent innovation and intellectual property, IP's effect on the development of national economy, as well as the current situation and challenges China faces. His speech won him a the warm welcome and high appraisement.

