China IP Law Enforcement Forum held in Nanjing


Organized by SIPO, China IP Law Enforcement Forum was held on December 26 in Nanning, capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Mr. Zhang Zhengyou, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Regional People’s Congress of Guangxi, Mr. Xing Shengcai, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, attended the opening ceremony and gave speeches.


As a result, The Consensus of China IP Law Enforcement Forum was achieved, saying to further coordination in law enforcement, to hold joint investigation and research on IP crimes, to notify and transfer information of serious crimes, and to organize publicity, training and international exchange together.


According an official resource, China has more than 20 years of history in IP law enforcement, and has established a well-trained enforcement team with rich experience and resource. But as science, technology and economy keeping on progress, many new problems have come out. By organizing this forum, ideas from various parts in IP fields to discuss the new problems in law enforcement so as to improve the enforcement environment in China and further promote it.


Days ago SIPO has issued a document to IP administrations at all levels to safeguard IPR, and the some areas have obtained some experience in safeguarding IPR. These will all lay a good foundation for further the safeguarding in the future.

