SIPO Released Interim Measures on Governmental Information


SIPO released Interim Measures on Governmental Information recently, so as to guarantee the legal rights of citizens, legal persons, and organizations to access to governmental information. This is also a new measure SIPO adopts to regulate its information communication and to promote IP development.


The Interim Measures says following information should be actively released to the public, including the organization structure of SIPO, their functions and procedures of daily work, and patent application, approving and reexamination. Patent Law and its Rules for Implementation, approval procedure of patent agencies as well as National Agent Qualification Test, new staff enrollment, as well as other information based on other laws and regulations, are also parts of the information SIPO should release to the public.


The document also regulates SIPO to publicize its information on its website, announcements, commissioner order, patent bulletin, China IP News, press conference, Patent Receipt Hall and service center.


All information belonged to above-mentioned categories, SIPO should release within 20 working days, while relevant laws and regulations can be publicized according to their own regulated dates.

