Wu Yi to IPR officials, Do Your Work with World in Eyes and Strategy in Mind


Heads of IP offices joined in Beijing on January 29 for their annual meeting and, more importantly, submerged themselves in Vice Premier Wu Yi's pep talk at the opening ceremony.  Wu stresses the weight of the instructions from the party's 17th Congress and encouraged officials to keep the world in eyes and strategy in mind while working harder and smarter at this new historical moment.


The vice premier reminds the crowd that their duties are added up given the country's objectives to build an innovation country and fully prosperous society.  Officials are required to constantly keep the changing world in their eyes and elevated strategy in their minds.  She also spelled out specific tasks for them.  First, capacity building.  Intensify creation, application, protection and administration of IPRs.  Second, legislation.  Expedite amendment of basic laws relating to patent, trademark and copyright.  Formulate legislations for demanding fields.  Interact IPR policies with other relevant policies.  Third, cultivate and develop IPR culture that respects knowledge, preach innovation, preservation of credibility and obedience of law.  Party and political officials shall be role models in this regard by staying clear of pirated software and counterfeit products.  Fourth, executives at all levels shall place great emphasis on training talents and building effective teams.  In addition, prioritize the formulation of the compendium of the national IPR strategy and get ready for its implementation.


(China IP News)

