China to Issue Intellectual Property Strategy in 2008


After two and a half years of preparation, China plans to release its national intellectual property strategy this year, according to the State Intellectual Property Office.


The strategy will have three stages: information, services and trade, said Tian Lipu, head of the office, during a conference on Tuesday.


The strategy began to be mapped out in July, 2005. So far, China has drawn up 20 methods to protect intellectual property, including improving the protection system, strengthening law enforcement and raising public awareness.


"The strategy is vital to fully implementing the power of the country's intellectual property system and to promote the development of the country's economy and science," Tian said.


Tian noted that in 2007, China saw significant progress in protecting intellectual property in various areas, industries and companies.


Organizations for guiding the strategy were set up in 17 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Guangdong, Guizhou, Shandong and Shanghai municipality have already issued their own strategies.


China will set up about 40 service centers for intellectual property protection. The centers will provide consultations and financial support for those who can't afford to pursue cases.



