Li Yuguang Visited Mongolian IP Office


Invited by the Mongolian IP Office (MIPO), Mr. Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, led a SIPO delegation to pay a visit to Mongolia, and held a talk with Mr. Namjil Chinbat, Director of MIPO, on the potential cooperation projects between the two offices in 2008, and signed a memorandum after the talk.


The two parties gave a high remark to the necessity and importance of cooperation, and agreed to further the cooperation in 2008, especially in automation and legal system. SIPO will provide personnel training for MIPO so as to make the cooperation closer. The two parties will exchange information and ideas about IP legal system and agent service and co-organize China-Mongolia IP System Symposium.


The two parties all believed the visit will promote the cooperation and progress of their own IP legal system.

