Dramatic Increase of PCT Application in China in 2007


As a member of PCT application accepting unit, SIPO received 5,401 PCT applications, 41.2 percent more than that in 2006. Among them, 5,211 were from China and 180 from abroad, taking 96.7 percent and 3.4 percent of the total respectively. This indicates that PCT application in China has been enjoying a high increase.


Some 90 percent of PCT application in China came from Guangdong Province, Beijing, Shanghai and the east costal area. Guangdong, example, had 2,646 applications, the largest application submitting region in China, Beijing had 560, the second, while Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong had 385, 270, 246, the third, fourth and fifth respectively. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Liaoning provinces also had their application exceeding 100.


Enterprises are the main appliers, as 70 percent of application from Chinese enterprises. Huawei Technologies, for example, submitted 1,544 applications, Zhongxin Technologies 430, taking the first and second positions among all enterprises, indicating the two companies enforce their international patent registration.


Most of PCT applications from China are in technologies, with half of them in electrology and most of them about telecommunications, saying telecommunication is one of the most prosperous field in China's technological innovation and some Chinese enterprises has the capacity in independent innovation.


A majority of overseas PCT applications are from those world-known international companies. As most of those companies' R&D happens in China, and SIPO's examination ability has been dramatically improved, so more and more those companies apply PCT with SIPO, indicating SIPO becoming more and more influential in IP field.

