China's PCT Filings Up to the Seventh of the World


The global PCT applications recorded an unprecedented number again in 2007, WIPO reported on February 21, 2008. China, becoming one of top ten origin countries of PCT filings in 2005 for the first time, received 5,456 applications in 2007, overtaking the Netherlands to become the 7th highest. Moreover, with a growth rate of 38.1% over 2006, China turned to the fastest growing country among the fifteen largest filing nations.


According to a statistics from WIPO, the top three PCT filling countries remained the same as those in 2006. US, with a total of 52,280 applications, continued to take the lead. Japan, with 27,731, maintained the second, and the third, Germany, 18,134. Countries following are the Republic of Korea, France, United Kingdom, China, Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden in turn.


The rapid growth in PCT filings by Asian countries, particularly China and Korea, made dramatic contribution to the increase of global PCT filings. The significant jumps in the two countries represent their speedy improvement of innovation capability and continual awareness on IPR protection.


Since the SIPO formally accept electronic filing on May 1, 2007, a total of 1,496 applications have been filed using PCT-SAFE (Secure Applications Filed Electronically), 27.4% of total applications. PCT-SAFE, WIPO's electronic filing software, offers PCT applicants the standardized electronic forms, and meanwhile, provides enormous convenience for reduction of application cost and submitting of application documents as well.


A group of hi-tech enterprises who conducted outstanding performance in PCT filings, such as Huawei Technology Ltd. and ZTE Corporation, have made a major contribution to the application growth in China. In the global list of filings from enterprises, these two companies rank the 4th and 53rd respectively. Chinese enterprises begin to pay more and more attention to the international market and IPR protection, and have invested a lot in R&D and in foreign cooperation, expecting to earn more interests from patent.


The overseas PCT application in China at national IP administration has also increased over the past year. In 2007, as the designated office and the selected PCT office, SIPO received 53,700 international applications designated or selected China as filling office, 5,489 more than that in 2006. As the China has been approved as a market of huge potential, increasingly more multinational enterprises have moved their eyes to China.


The rapid increase of PCT filings over the past few years represents not only indicates the ongoing speed development of science and technology, but also a great dedication IPR system has made to the development and enterprises' innovation. As more attention attached to IPR, IP has been developed rapidly, and thus, no matter the construction of PCT system or the amount of PCT filings, the developing countries have gained notable achievement in narrowing the gap with developed countries.

