Li Yuguang Attended the First Session of the 11th CPPCC Convened in Beijing


The First Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) convened in Beijing on March 3, 2008. Li Yuguang, member of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, member of China Democratic National Construction Association (CDNCA) and also Deputy  Commissioner of SIPO, attended the session.


Mr. Li submitted the session three proposals on China's IP course in the light of the current working conditions: the first on response to IP issues concerning China's economical participation in the process of globalization, the second on IP issues in the process of independent innovation of Chinese small-and-medium sized enterprises, and the third on strengthening publicity and training concerning intellectual property.


Li Guangyu was a member of the 9th and 10th CPPCC National Committee, and now he is elected again as a member of the 11th at the 20th session of the 10th CPPCC National Committee's Standing Committee.


Xing Shengcai, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, was present at the opening ceremony of the first session of the 11th National Committee of CPPCC on March 3. He Hua and Yang Tiejun, Deputy commissioners of SIPO, are going to attend the plenary session on March 8 and the scientist group session on March 7 respectively.


The first session of CPPCC national conference is scheduled to end on March 14. During the session, the report on the work of the 10th CPPCC National Committee's Standing Committee as well as other reports will be discussed, and CPPCC members will also discuss the report on government work made on the 11th National People's Congress.


During the session, the new leadership of CPPCC will be elected.

