Li Yuguang: Independent Innovation and IPR of SMEs Should be Emphasized


During the first plenary session of the 11th Chinese People’s Political Consulting Conference (CPPCC), Li Yuguang, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO member of the CPPCC, said when he was interviewed that China should give more emphasis to small-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


"Present Chinese economy needs China to transform from Made in China to Created in China, and therefore, Chinese SMEs have to change themselves from manufacturing to creating and innovation. However, China has not yet paid attention to the IP issues of Chinese SMEs, leading to 99 percent or more SMEs having IP problems in their innovation, and a few of them own independent IPR," Li said.


"China should adopt following measures to support SMEs to engage in independent innovation", Mr. Li continued. "The first, the government should list SME IP strategy as an important part of its National IP Strategy, and even a special sub-strategy, and thus implement SME IP Development Strategy. Secondly, the government ought to make corresponding policies to promote SME IP management and protection, and thus forming a policy favorable for SME innovation. The third, the government also has to establish a IP management and protection mechanism, as well as a supporting and service platform," according to Li.


Talking about the financial support to SME innovation, Li suggested setting up priority system for those SMEs having independent IP in approving their application to be listed, so as to enable them to have more chance to have direct financing lease. He also urged to establish special fund to support SME to industrialize their IPRs, Li added.


The IP administration department also should host training program for SME, to provide intelligent service to them.

