Hi-tech Enterprises, Main China's PCT Applicant Group


A statistics from WIPO about PCT application in 2007 says that the application from China hi-tech enterprises enjoys dramatic growth, taking more than half of the total from China.


Among the China hi-tech enterpris4es, Huawei and ZTC are at the leading positions of whole world, as the former jumps from the 13th in 2006 to 4th in 2007, the later from 92nd to 52nd.


Actually China hi-tech companies have had very good performance in PCT application in the recent years. China telecom industry, especially, has totally changed the image of Made in China, making significant breakthrough in 3G, NGN, IPTV technologies. In the market, Huawei and ZTC, as the representatives of Chinese companies, have even caught up or surpassed some western companies as their patent right and invention patent right numbers not only are all taking the lead in Chinese enterprises, but also they have begun to sell patent using license to foreign companies. 


As more and more Chinese companies going abroad, they give more and more attention to IPR protection, and invest a lot to R&D and international cooperation, expecting to get benefit from patent rights ZTC, for example, except its own R&D, has also set up a complete IPR system, covering its senior, mediate and junior managers, and even workers.


Favorite policy and support from Chinese government are also responsible for the progress. Success of Huawei in PCT application is also a result of Shenzhen city government's support. In 2007, patent application in China from Shenzhen is 35,808, second largest city in China. Among them, 19,198 applications are invention patents. The city government, therefore, provides 55.345 million yuan financial aid. This year, the city government again prepares 110 million yuan for the application assistance.


In 2007, China's PCT application reaches 5,456, 38.1 percent more than the previous year, thus becoming the fastest growing country, and the proportion with the total application is 3.5 percent, compared with 2.6 percent in 2006, and now China is listed as seventh largest PCT application country, one step forward than in 2006.

