Tian Lipu Meets Vice Chairman of Xinjiang Region


Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, meets Ms. Jin Nuo, Vice Chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government, and her party in the morning of March 17. The two parties has a profound discussion on setting up a regular meeting mechanism between them.


Tian says that Xinjiang has been attaching attention to IP work, and SIPO will continue its support to Xinjiang in its IP work and modernization drive. "According to Xinjiang's development situation, SIPO will provide instruction and support in the construction of IP Information Center, agricultural IPR protection and IP working environment improvement," Mr. Tian continues.


Ms. Jin says that rapid development in Xinjiang witnesses the IP work playing an increasingly more important role, and Xinjiang will further improve its IP work, injecting more energy to Xinjiang's progress.


Mr. Jiang Wanlin, director of Xinjiang IP Administration, wishes SIPO to give more assistance in establishing agricultural and energy IP information centers and IP working environment improvement.

