Zhang Qin Leads an IP Trip to Europe



Zhang Qin(2nd right)is talking to vice-general manager of World Intellectual Property Organization(1st left)

Between March 3 and 14, Mr. Zhang Qin, Vice Commissioner of SIPO and executive vice director of China National IP Strategy Office, leads a delegation with members from SIPO, CPC Central Office for Policy Studies, the Supreme Court,the Ministry of Agriculture and State Food and Drug Administration,to Britain, France and Switzerland. The trip is one of measures to get information about latest progress in international IP system so as to serve the formulation of China's National IP Strategy.

During its stay in Britain, the delegation visits UK Department for International Development, British IP Institute, IFPI and GlaxoSmithKline, making a profound discussion on the issues such as IP and development, duties for developed countries as well as demand for IPR protection from transnational corporations.
While in France, the delegation pays visit to UNESCO, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Office of Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage under French Ministry of Finance, National Appellations of Origin Office under French Ministry of Agriculture, European Patent Agency as well as other organizations. Mr. Zhang and his people talk with their French counterparts on cultural heritage protection, protection of state-owned intangible asset and localized agriculture, and relation between IP and economic development.

In the days in Switzerland, the delegation visits WIPO, Medicines Sans Frontiers(MSF), the South Center and the Third World Network. The Chinese delegation gets to know the development agenda of WIPO, NGO's attitude and countermeasures adopted for meeting reform of international IP system.

These foreign organizations also show active attitude to some topics concerning the future cooperation with China and reach primary agreement on scientific innovation index, IP and medical and pubic health development. Zhang Qin also gives a presentation at the South Center on a forum especially about China IP policy.

