Li Yuguang Meets Thailand IPD Director-General


On March 19, Mr. Li Yuguang, Vice Commissioner of SIPO ,has a meeting with Mrs. Puangrat Asavapisit and her party in Beijing. A conclusion about the Minutes of Meeting has been reached between State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China and Intellectual Property Department (IPD) of Thailand.

After expressing his welcome to the Thailand delegation, Li says that cooperation between SIPO and IPD has made steady progress. China appreciates Thailand’s contribution to close the relation between China and ASEAN, and the support in the memorandum of understanding on cooperation between China and AEAN. Mr. Li introduces the latest development of China’s patent examination and approval, and expresses the willingness to provide Thailand IPD with Chinese experience in applying PCT system. He also expects the two parties to have closer cooperation in the future.

Mrs. Puangrat Asavapisit details the new progress of Thailand IPD and the preparation to join in PCT. She appreciates SIPO’s achievement in recent years and China’s support to Thailand in international IP affairs. She wishes the two parties to expand cooperation field and deepen the bilateral cooperation.

The two parties talk some detailed matters on signing the meeting minutes ,visits of senior officials and staff exchange, IP document and information exchange, human resource exploration, patent examination experience training, IPR protection enhancement and law enforcement.

Some department leaders of IPD and officials from Thailand Embassy in Beijing attend the meeting.

