National Patent Agent Management Conference Held in Xi’an


The National Patent Agent Management Conference is held on March 25 in Xi’an. He Hua, Vice Commissioner of SIPO addresses the conference. Zhuang Yongjie, Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Provincial Government attends the conference.

Entitled as Implementing National IP Strategy and Improving Patent Agent Service System, Mr. He reviews the achievement and problems during past 20-odd years of China’s construction of patent agent service system, and puts forward concrete measures of improving the system in following seven aspects: creating sound legal environment, completing the management mechanisms of patent agents, improving patent agent service, establishing a credit system for patent agent services, restraining abnormal patent applications, updating the qualification examination system of patent agents, and guiding to increase patent agencies and agency institutes’ senses of social responsibility and guild honor.

More than 100 people, including heads of patent agent management departments under IP administrations at various levels from 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions as well as national defense patent offices, and representatives from patent agencies nationwide, participates the conference.

