Xing Shengcai Meets Nissan Vice President


On the Morning of April 8, Xing Shengcai, Head of the Discipline Inspection Group stationed in SIPO meets the visiting Nissan Vice President Tadao Takahashi and his party in Beijing. Both parties conduct deep discussions on a series of issues in IP sector.

Mr. Xing points out that the exchanges between the SIPO and Japan Patent Office (JPO) and between Chinese and Japanese enterprises in IP sector are becoming increasingly frequent. Nissan Motor has accumulated abundant successful experience in areas of innovation and intellectual property for many years, and he hopes Nissan Motor can deepen and launch more exchanges with Chinese side. Mr. Xing also briefs Japanese side on the team construction of China’s IP examiners and IPR trainings. He notes that China is making efforts to train related people and promote IPR knowledge in various levels, leading to the fact that all people’s awareness of IPR consciousness has evidently increased.

Mr. Tadao Takahashi speaks highly of China’s efforts and achievements in improving people’s IPR consciousness, indicating that Nissan Motor hopes to further strengthen its exchanges with SIPO and Chinese enterprises. During the meeting, Japanese side introduces the basic information of Nissan Motor and the progresses it made in IP sector.

Heads of the International Cooperation Department of SIPO and related departments of Nissan Motor attend the meeting.

