Zhang Qin Attends the Awarding Ceremony of Demonstration City of the National IP Work in Guangzhou


On the morning of April 8, the awarding ceremony of Guangzhou as a Demonstration City of the National IP Work is held solely in Guangzhou. Zhang Qin, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO gives out the plaque to Guangzhou Executive Vice Mayor Wu Yimin, and addresses the conference on behalf of SIPO.

During his speech, Mr. Zhang Qin points out that the work of constructing a demonstration city of the national IP work is an important measure to carry out China’s national IP strategy, as well as an inevitable choice in strengthening a city’s IP construction, increasing its comprehensive competitiveness, creating a sound business initiation environment and setting up its city brand. Up to date, a total of 38 cities have started the work of establishing a demonstration city of the national IP work, showing a good start. As one of the first batch of cities being awarded the honor, Guangzhou is in the front rank in the work of launching IP pilot projects and demonstration city construction. Through actively exploring new working concepts and methods, Guangzhou has accumulated valuable experience in the process of constructing a demonstration city of the national IP work. Mr. Zhang Qin hopes Guangzhou could fully implement the working deployment of constructing a demonstration city of national IP work, make great efforts to carry out IP strategy and fully arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of governments of all levels, various related departments and people from all walks of life and bring their roles into full play in aspects of improving enterprises’ capacity of independent innovation, perfecting IP management system, strengthening IP law enforcement capacity and accelerating IP infrastructure construction on the basis of carefully summing up its experience in constructing the demonstration city and continuing to consolidate its effect, trying to make greater and new achievements.

Mr. Cao Jianliao, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou, notes that in recent years, Guangzhou further strengthens its reforms with the development impetus keeping increasing and city comprehensive economic strength leaping forward continuously. The municipal Government has affirmed the strategic basic point and development goal of enhancing independent innovation capacity and establishing an innovative Guangzhou, making the work of strengthening IP construction an important part of promoting the work of independent innovation. After that, Guangzhou will regard the award as a new starting point to make efforts in resolving the “short-board” problem in independent innovation, developing new and hi-tech industry, and fully implementing IP strategy of independent brands, so as to improve the brand of “made in Guangzhou” through increasing the level of “created in Guangzhou.”

At the ceremony, Mr. Wu Yimin awarded the letter of appointment of special advisor of Guangzhou IP Consultative Group to Mr. Zhang Qin.

