Li Yuguang Attends the Symposium on Asian IP System in Beijing


On April 15, the High-Level Symposium for IP System in Asia is held in Beijing. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Li Yuguang attends the symposium and delivers a speech. He notes that China’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have become the important entities to promote the country’s scientific and technological progress and IP development. More than 65 percent of patents of invention and 80 percent of new products are initiated by SMEs.

Mr. Li points out that the improvement of enterprises’ innovation capacity is the important factor influencing IP development in China and other Asian countries. To conform to the development trend, promote the emission and utilization of IP information and encourage SMEs’ technological innovation, the symposium will make efforts to further strengthen mutual understanding of each other’s IP systems in various countries in Asia, and encourage experience and information exchanges so as to learn from each other, creating preferential conditions for effective cooperation in IP sector in Asia.

The four-day symposium is held by SIPO. Officials from IP departments of China and other 16 Asian countries such as Singapore, Nepal and Philippine fully discuss and exchange views and experience in topics such as the status quo and development of IP systems in their respective countries, IP system and encouraging SMEs’ technological innovation, trademark protection and corporate brand, and the emission and utilization of IP information.

