Tian Lipu Gives a Report to the IP Management Training Course of High-Level Personnel


Recently, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu attends the opening ceremony of the IP Management Training Course of High-Level Personnel and gives a special report entitled Transformation of IP System held at Tongji University in Shanghai.

In his report, Mr. Tian fully analyzes the situation of development and transformation of international and domestic IP systems, deeply elucidates the guiding ideology and goals of implementing the IP strategy while stressing on the necessity of establishing international IP regulations, briefing on the new development of current international IP system and the status quo of China’s IP development. He points out that implementing IP strategy is an important event influencing the prospect of a country and a nationality. He hopes the trainees could further deepen their understanding and recognition of IP system, consistently improve their capacity and level of IP management and play greater roles in their work.

Prior to the ceremony, Mr. Tian exchanges views with Pei Gang, President of Tongji University on establishing cooperation mechanisms and deepening the research on IP system development and utilization.

This IP Management Training Course of High-Level Personnel is jointly held by SIPO and the Intellectual Property Institute of Tongji University for the first time. Aiming at intensifying the trainings for high-level personnel, it is an important measure to bring the roles of universities into full play and strengthening the construction of the base for IP talent training. A total of 24 people selected by IP administrations, universities and enterprises attend the course.

