Yang Tiejun Addresses the Activity of SIPO Open Day


On April 25, one day before the eighth World Intellectual Property Day, SIPO holds its Open Day activities themed with “Approaching the Intellectual Property” to celebrate the day for all IP-related staff and intellectual property creators. Nearly 200 representatives from enterprises and journalists participate in the activity.

In his speech, SIPO Deputy Commission Yang Tiejun says that during the 30 years after China adopts the reform and opening up policy, China’s IP cause develops rapidly with frequent achievements. Especially in recent years, with the acceleration of China’s tempo of constructing an innovative country and economic globalization, IP’s position in China’s economic, scientific and technological and social development keep rising. On April 9, the Executive Meeting of the State Council reviews and adopts in principle the Compendium of the National IP Strategy. China’s IP strategy is expected to be issued and implemented soon, indicating China’s IP cause will enter a new development stage. It is an important long-term work for SIPO in the future to further optimize China’s IP system, protect IPR, provide services to independent innovation, actively implement IP strategy and make efforts to construct an innovative country.

On the Open Day, SIPO deputy commissioners Li Yuguang, He Hua and Yang Tiejun formally initiate the Chinese-to-English Automatic Translation System of Patent Documents of China, the National United Publication Platform of Patent Information and the Intelligent Retrieval System of Patent of Design of China respectively. These information service systems are newly launched by SIPO to better serve independent innovation, protect IPR and serve the social publics.

On that day, a mini indoor drama Our Common Wishes, which is wrote and performed by SIPO patent examiners and gives a representation of their routine work, also attracts attentions from enterprises representatives and journalists. By watching the 20-odd-minute play, they learn more knowledge on patent application and examination in lovely and easy atmosphere.

After that, enterprise representatives and journalists visit SIPO Reception Hall, Patent Document Library, Showroom and Chemistry Examination Department. People from the Preliminary Examination and Flow Management Department, Telecommunications Examination Department, Utility Model Examination Department, Industrial Design Examination Department and Patent Re-examination Board of SIPO answer questions from audiences. Meanwhile, a total of 40 enterprises representatives attend a lecture on patent document.

Starting 2006, SIPO Open Day activities open to people from all walks of life, aiming at improving the public’s awareness of intellectual property, and spreading IP-related cultural concepts, so that the publics could better understand the SIPO and SIPO could better serve the construction of an innovative country. People can attend the activities through online registration. Activities this year are mainly for enterprise managers.

