Xing Shengcai Addresses the “Wuhan-Optics Valley of China” IP Protection Forum


The 7th “Wuhan-Optics Valley of China” Intellectual Property Protection Forum is recently held by SIPO and Wuhan Municipal People’s Government in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. Xing Shengcai, Head of the Discipline Inspection Team Stationed in the SIPO, and Hu Shuguang, Deputy Secretary of CPC Wuhan Municipal Committee attend the forum and deliver speeches.

Mr. Xing points out that SIPO and Wuhan Municipal People’s Government have successfully held six such forums in East Lake National New and Hi-Tech Zone in Wuhan since 2001. By providing a platform for exchanges and discussion, the forum encourages China’s new and hi-tech enterprises’ work of IPR protection and improves their awareness in this regard, exerting positive influences to China’s implementation of its IP strategy. He stresses that protecting IPRs in creative and service outsourcing industries is the demand for China to participate in international competition. The 21st century is an era of knowledge-based economy with gradual integration of the global economy. A creative or service outsourcing enterprise’s core competitiveness relies very much on whether it possesses independent IPRs or not. To some extent, the future competition in creative and service outsourcing industries is actually the competition of intellectual properties. It is definitely far beyond the question of IPR protection; more importantly, we should accelerate the improvement of IP system, skillfully master and utilize IP rules, raise the creation, implementation, management level and capacity of independent IPRs and break through various non-tariff barriers set by developed countries such as technology and patent through IPR protection. Only by doing this can China’s creative and service outsourcing industries be integrated into the tide of economic globalization and can China ensure its continuous, rapid and healthy economic development.

Themed with “Development of Creative and Service Outsourcing Industries and IPR Protection,” the forum covers topics such as IP strategy implementation, improvement of enterprises’ international competitiveness, the status quo and future trends of international IPR protection for creative and service outsourcing industries, the important significance of IPR protection to the development of creative and service outsourcing industries, measures for creative and service outsourcing enterprises to obtain IPR protection at home and abroad, ways for creative and service outsourcing enterprises to deal with IP international litigation and so on.

More than 200 people including IP experts and scholars from the United States, Germany and Australia, SIPO officials and representatives from IP administrative departments inside and outside Hubei Province, related governmental departments of Wuhan City, business circle and colleges and universities attend the forum.

