Tian Lipu Leads a Delegation to Latvia and Germany


Invited by Latvian Patent Office, German Patent and Trademark Bureau and the Federal Ministry of Justice of Germany, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu leads a delegation to Latvia and Germany for a working visit from April 15 to 24, 2008.

On April 16 to 17, the International Symposium on IP and Economy is held in Riga, capital of Latvia. Mr. Tian attends the symposium and delivers a speech entitled the Influences of IP System Upon China’s Economic and Social Development. Representatives from more than 30 national, international and regional organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, European Patent Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, German Patent and Trademark Bureau and Japan Patent Office, and related research institutions, enterprises, colleges and universities participate in the symposium. During the symposium, Mr. Tian exchanges views with Zigrīds Aumeisters, Director of the Patent Office of Latvia, both sides expressing their hope of conducting cooperation in IP field in the future. Mr. Tian also talks with Alison Brimelow Cbe, President of the European Patent Office and many other leaders of IP offices of different countries, exchanging views in areas of concerns and enhancing mutual understandings and friendship. Mr. Tian and his delegation are also warmly received by Zhang Limin, Chinese Ambassador to Latvia and other staff in the embassy.

On April 21, the Eighth Sino-German Legal Symposium entitled “Effective IP Protection Is a Key Element of Ruling a Country by Law” is jointly held by the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council of China and the Federal Ministry of Justice of Germany in Munich. Mr. Tian delivers a speech at the opening ceremony in German, and his excellent speech becomes a highlight of the Sino-German dialogue of legislative affairs. Cao Kangtai, Director of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, Brigitte Zypries, German Justice Minister, Erich Stather, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany and Ma Canrong, Chinese Ambassador to Germany participate in the conference and deliver their speeches. More than 100 people including governmental officials and experts and scholars of both countries attend the activity. The symposium is expected to exert positive roles in further improving the IP legislative system of both countries.

On April 23, Mr. Tian leads his delegation to German Patent and Trademark Bureau and talks with its Director Mr. Shadd. After the bilateral meeting, both sides sign the 2008 working plan between the two offices. During his stay in Germany, Mr. Tian also visits the Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and exchanges views with its Director, Prof. Reto M. Hilty regarding staff trainings for both sides. He also drops over to other IP-related institutions such as German PAVIS Company.

The visit expands SIPO’s cooperation in IP sector with Baltic countries represented by Latvia, promotes China’s foreign exchanges, and consolidates and develops the traditional cooperation between SIPO and German Patent and Trademark Bureau, further increasing China’s influences in the international IP circle. The visit is a complete success.

