SIPO Announces Regulations Related to Patent Handling During Earthquake Disaster Period


On May 13, SIPO issues a notice, laying down specific regulations concerning the problems such as delayed patent application caused by force majeure like earthquake, so as to ensure the normal operation of patent applications handling in disaster-hit regions and protect the legal interests of patent holders and applicants there.

According to the notice, SIPO patent application handling department and its agencies in various regions will normally handle affairs such as patent application. For those agencies that cannot work in their offices, letter boxes will be set up nearby to receive patent applications.

The notice points out that in case where an applicant cannot go through related procedures and loses his or her rights because of the delayed application caused by the disaster, the applicant can apply to resume his or her rights according to law with certificates issued by local IP administrations or departments of civil affairs within two months after the obstacle is removed.

