The Working Conference of the Demonstration Cities and Parks of National IP Pilot Projects Held in Nanjing, Zhang Qin Participates and Awards Plaques to Advanced Collectives and Individuals


On the morning of May 14, the Working Conference of the Demonstration Cities and Parks of National IP Pilot Projects is held in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province. SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin addresses the opening ceremony and delivers a report on the demonstration work of IP pilot projects on behalf of the SIPO. Li Xiaomin, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government attends the conference and delivers a speech at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Zhang points out that launching the demonstration work of the national IP pilot projects is the requirement of implement the spirits of the 17th Party Congress, an important measure to accelerate the promotion of IP strategy and an effective method to strengthen IP work. In recent years, the demonstration work of national IP pilot projects is being developed vigorously and is gaining impetus, which has become an important brand in various regions. The work is also listed into the annual working goals of governments of various levels and is playing increasingly important radiating and promoting roles. It promotes the coordinative development of science and technology, economy and society, playing important roles in enhancing regional comprehensive competitiveness. The deepening of the demonstration work of IP pilot projects has explored a new way and accumulated new experience to develop the national IP course.

Mr. Zhang also puts forward new requirements to the future work of various demonstration cities and parks of IP pilot projects. He points out that under the new situations, all cities and parks should strengthen the government’s leadership to IP work with the implementation of IP strategy as a pivot; measures should be taken to accelerate the implementation of IP strategy through careful arrangement and meticulous deployment; under the principle of serving enterprises, the cities and parks should improve enterprises’ capacity of using IP system; and efforts should be made to strengthen rational protection of IPR and optimize the cities and parks’ development environment.
Mr. Li points out that the working conference of the Demonstration Cities and Parks of National IP Pilot Projects is an important measure of implementing the spirits of the 17th Party Congress and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and carrying out the national IP strategy. Jiangsu should make the conference a good opportunity to learn advanced experience and practices from other provinces and cities, so as to do a better job the province’s IP sector, striving to leap forward from the brand of “made in Jiangsu” to “created in Jiangsu.”

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li give out plaques and certificates to 68 advanced collectives and 76 advanced individuals in terms of the demonstration work of IP pilot projects. During the conference, representatives from various participating units discuss the work report in different groups, sum up and exchange the experience of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and various demonstration cities and parks, and deliberate the tasks and focuses of the work of demonstration cities and parks of IP pilot projects under the new situations.

More than 200 people from the IP administrations of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, IP administration of Xinjiang Production and Construction Crops, IP administrations of various demonstration cities of IP pilot projects and administrative committees of various demonstration parks of IP pilot projects attend the conference.

