SIPO Actively Instructs Local IP Administrations in Disaster Relief Work


With the gradual progresses of the relief work of the violent earthquake in Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province, various competent departments of SIPO earnestly perform their obligations and actively implement various disaster relief measures, and vigorously instruct the disaster relief work of local IP administrations and affiliated units. Meanwhile, leaders and staff members of SIPO system throw themselves into the earthquake relief work through various ways.

After the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, SIPO expresses its sympathy and solicitude for the people in disaster areas in its first message to Sichuan Provincial IP Administration after the telecommunications between them is recovered, “Knowing that a violent earthquake taking place in Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province, the Party Leading Group and all the staff members of SIPO wish to express our sympathy and solicitude to you, and through you, to all the people in the disaster regions. We believe, under the affable care of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the unified leadership of CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Sichuan Provincial Government and through the hard work of soldiers and civilians, we can surely win a comprehensive victory in the disaster relief campaign soon. Meanwhile, we would like to provide any affordable support and help for the campaign.”

In addition, in light with the spirits of the conferences related to the research and deployment of disaster relief work of SIPO, the Office promptly contacts Sichuan Provincial IP Administration, IP administrations of Mianyang City, Deyang City and Guangyuan City and Shaanxi Provincial IP Administration to seize up new situations of disaster areas, so as to develop relief methods. The earthquake shocks 181 counties in 21 cities and prefectures in Sichuan, causing serious casualty. The offices of IP administrations in Chengdu, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Deyang, Aba and Ya’an are damaged to different levels and some equipment is destroyed. IP administrations and affiliated units in disaster regions indicate that they will work harder to help the governments in the relief work and conquer various difficulties to do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction, striving for the final victory of the disaster relief campaign.

On May 13, SIPO announces the Notice on Patent Application Procedures Handling in Earthquake Period, laying down detailed regulations concerning delayed patent applications owning to force majeure like earthquake.

On May 20, in order to continue the earthquake relief work and bring the roles of SIPO system in disaster relief work into full play, SIPO issues the Urgent Notice of IP Sectors on Continuing the Earthquake Relief Work (hereafter referred to as the Urgent Notice), requiring IP administrations of various levels all over the country to go on with the disaster relief work in IP sector in six aspects.

By the morning of May 19, SIPO leaders and staff members have totally donated 47,8636.8 yuan for the earthquake regions. Currently, the donation activity is continuing.

When we walk out of the sadness, we unit ourselves more strongly; when we wipe off our tears, we still have hopes in our hearts. Currently, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, SIPO is urgently deploying disaster relief work, leaders and staff members of IP administrations in disaster regions are working hard in the frontline of the campaign, IP administrations in various regions are providing strong supports to the people in disaster areas and the disaster relief work of SIPO system is progressing energetically, orderly and effectively.

