SIPO Holds Symposium on Patent Law Modification, Tian Lipu Speaks at the Symposium


SIPO recently holds the Symposium on Patent Law Modification in Beijing. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu attends the symposium and delivers a speech.

In his speech, Mr. Tian points out that the modification of Patent Law and detailed rules for implementing the Law should focus on constructing an innovative country and implementing IP strategies in light of the spirit and related deployment of CPC Central Committee. He points out that China's IP system stresses more on IPR protection in earlier stage, and now, we realize that the more important role of IP system is to improve China's innovation capacity. Thus, besides IPR protection, we should also emphasize IPR creation, administration and utilization to construct an integrated IP strategy.

Mr. Tian also put forward the guiding opinions in principle concerning modifications of some key problems such as patent administrative law enforcement, patent confirmation procedures, the balance between right holders' interests and the public interests, definition of service invention and its rewards. He says that SIPO will continue support the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Legislative Affairs Office (LAO) of the State Council in the modification work of Patent Law and its implementation rules, making corresponding contribution to improving China's independent innovation capacity and promoting sound and rapid economic and social development.

Related people from the Department of Education, Science, Culture and Public Health of LAO participate in the symposium and have full discussion and communications with related heads of SIPO. Both parties hold similar views on the modifications to most of the articles.

