IP Forum Across Taiwan Straits Held in Fujian, Zhang Qin Present


Sponsored by SIPO, the IP Forum Across Taiwan Straits is jointly held by Fujian Provincial IP Administration and Fujian IP Association at Fujian Convention Hall recently. Zhang Qin, SIPO Deputy Commissioner and Lin Changcong, Deputy Secretary General of Fujian Provincial People’s Government attend the Forum and deliver speeches.

Mr. Zhang points out that sitting in the forward position facing Taiwan, Fujian Province possesses unique positional advantage; the new situation of gradual improvement of the cross-straits relations is conducive for the promotion of IP exchanges and cooperation across Taiwai Straits. SIPO will make joint efforts in discussing the major issues of IP development and cooperation through implementing cooperation and consultation system, energetically backing Fujian Province to constantly enhance IP exchanges and communications between Fujian and Taiwan, sponsoring the annual IP Forum Across Taiwan Straits and other forms. During his speech, Mr. Zhang also places his hopes on the future development of IP cause in Fujian Province.

Mr. Lin indicates that the first IP Forum Across Taiwan Straits is a new measure taken by SIPO to support the construction of the Special Economic Zone West of Taiwan Straits (SEZWTS), embodying SIPO’s concerns and supports to Fujian Province.

At the Forum, Zhang Qin and experts in IP circle across Taiwan Straits such as Paul C. B. Liu, Director of Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property under the National Chengchi University, Alex Fan, Director of IP Legal Affairs Division of Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Zhang Ping, Professor of Peking University and Steven Lai, Managing Director of Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Association deliver speeches on topics such as IP strategies, IPR administration and utilization of research institutes, developing trends and countermeasures of international IPR disputes and operation and management of corporate IPRs.

More than 300 representatives from various member units of the Fujian Provincial Leading Group of IPR Protection, related departments directly affiliated to CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Fujian Provincial Government including Policy Research Office of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, Committee of Education, Science, Culture and Health of Fujian Provincial People’s Congress, Department of Personnel, Department of Water Resources, Department of Health, Department of Justice, State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province, Statistics Bureau, Fujian Survey Office of National Bureau of Statistics and other units like patent intermediate service organizations, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities and enterprises attend the forum.

The Forum is held in response to the requirements of the Cooperation Protocol of Jointly Promoting IP Development in the Special Economic Zone West of Taiwan Straits between SIPO and Fujian Provincial Government with the theme of “Protecting IPR and Promoting SEZWTS Construction”.

