Zhang Qin Exchanges Views with Netizens via the Chinese Central Government’s Web Portal on National IP Strategy Implementation


On the afternoon of June 24, SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin is invited by the Chinese Central Government’s Web Portal to introduce to netizens the background of the formulation of the Compendium of China National IP Strategy, interpret the main contents of the Compendium and illustrate the significance and roles of implementing the National IP Strategy upon the promotion of the overall development of China’s economy and society.

Mr. Zhang stresses that the IP strategy is a huge systematic project, involving many layers. On the Macro-layer, the first important issue is to construct the system regime. Thus, the first emphasis of China’s IP strategy is defined as “improving China’s IP system”; on the medium-layer, China has IP strategies for various guilds and regional IP strategies; on the micro-layer, enterprises also have IP strategies.

Mr. Zhang points out that from the angle of promoting IP strategy, China’s National IP Strategy consists of 20 special topics and one Compendium, and the Compendium is based on the early-stage researches of the 20 special topics. During the process, we have established a cooperation platform for more than 30 related governmental departments.

Mr. Zhang notes that while implementing the strategy, we will make full use of the platform established in the process of constructing the strategy to effectively and concretely promote the implementation of the strategy in a unified manner under the leadership of the Central Government. During the process, we will not only stimulate the working enthusiasm of various departments of the Central Government, but also arouse the zeal of local governments, guilds, enterprises, institutions and the whole people. We will formulate our blueprint and working plans and, after working out the blueprint and plans, assign different goals to related departments according to the plans so as to promote the implementation gradually.

During the more than one hour’s exclusive interview, Mr. Zhang also answers questions on some hot topics such as the third modification to the Patent Law, IP education and internet copyright protection.

