Working Cooperation Protocol Signed by CAS and SIPO, Lu Yongxiang Present


On the morning of July 3, the signing ceremony of the Working Cooperation Protocol Between Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and SIPO is held in Beijing. Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress and President of CAS attends the signing ceremony and delivers a speech. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu and CAS Vice President Shi Erwei address the signing ceremony. On behalf of CAS and SIPO respectively, Mr. Shi and SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin sign the Protocol. Xing Shengcai, Head of the Discipline Inspection Group stationed in SIPO presides over the ceremony.

Mr. Lu points out that in the current world, IP has become the core factor of the national development and international competitiveness with the deepening of knowledge economy and economic globalization. After China adopts the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, the country has gradually established its IP regime with Chinese characteristics. Currently, China has become one of the important IP countries, but not an IP power. Measures should be taken to further improve China’s IP system, lift the consciousness of IPR protection of the whole society and perfect IPR protection environment.

Mr. Lu suggests that as a fully open research institute and innovative entity, CAS should launch extensive cooperation with related governmental departments, local governments and enterprises. He hopes that the cooperation between CAS and SIPO can stand the tests of the history and set an example for various sides.

Mr. Tian points out that at the moment when the Compendium of China National IP Strategy is promulgated, CAS and SIPO decide to establish the working cooperation mechanism. This is a concrete action and important measure for CAS and SIPO to actively promote the implementation of the national IP strategy. The mechanism is an important demonstration in the process of implementing the national IP strategy, and will play an active role in promoting SIPO’s capacity construction.

The Protocol agrees that both parties should, under the principles of friendly consultation, resource sharing and mutual benefits, launch cooperation mainly in the five aspects such as sharing the resource of document information, jointly launching strategic analysis researches and related works, sharing training resource, establishing the communication mechanism of IP work and supporting and participating in other IP projects organized by the other party.

SIPO has long-term friendly cooperation with CAS and frequently conducts sound bilateral interactions in areas such as personnel training, information service and strategic research. The formal establishment of the working cooperation mechanism between CAS and SIPO will further expand their cooperation fields and deepen their cooperation contents.

