National Conference for Heads of IP Administrations Held in Yinchuan, Tian Lipu Delivers a Speech



The National Conference for Heads of IP Administrations is held in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on July 8. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu participates in the conference and delivers a keynote speech entitled Increasing the Cognition and Grasping the Opportunity to Fully Implement the Compendium of China National IP Strategy. Zhang Laiwu, Vice Chairman of Ningxia Hui Autonomous, Zhang Qin, SIPO Deputy Commissioner and Xing Shengcai, Head of the Discipline Inspection Group stationed in SIPO attend the conference.

The participants discuss the topic of further studying and implementing the Compendium of China National IP Strategy (hereafter referred to as the Compendium), and deploy related works in implementing the national IP strategy, reaching consensus and clarifying tasks in this regard.

 Tian Lipu delivers a speech

In his speech, Mr. Tian first briefs the efforts of the IP administrations nationwide in earthquake relief work in the past period of time and expresses his thanks to the IP administrations nationwide for their unselfish help to disaster regions of Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province. Mr. Tian points out that the promulgation of the Compendium is an important strategic deployment made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the basis of controlling the overall situation and deeply analyzing the national and international situations, embodying the great importance attached by CPC Central Committee to IP work. It is the necessary option for the implementation of the scientific outlook on development. The Compendium notes that efforts should be made to improve China’s IP system, transform its abundant human resource into intellectual resource, change China’s huge market potentials into the great attractions of international intellectual resource, accelerate the pace of constructing an innovative country and increase the national core competitiveness through encouraging the creation, effective utilization, legal protection and scientific administration of IPRs. He stresses that fully implementing IP strategy and effectively developing and utilizing intellectual resource are the great cause involving the future of China and its nationality with great strategic significance in terms of improving China’s capacity of independent innovation, promoting optimization and upgrade of industrial structure, breaking the limitation of resource environment and realizing sound and rapid development.

In his keynote speech, Mr. Tian points out that the promulgation and implementation of the Compendium indicate the completion of the work of formulating the national IP strategy, the fact that the IP strategy has become the important strategy of China’s development, as well as the great unprecedented opportunity for the development of IP cause. The IP administrations nationwide should fully realize the great significance and historical opportunity of the promulgation and implementation of the Compendium.

Mr. Tian requires leaders and staff members of IP administrations nationwide to deepen their study and understanding of the core content and spiritual substance of the Compendium, so as to set off a new upsurge of publicizing and studying the Compendium in the coming period of time; focusing on the implementation of the Compendium, regional IP strategies should be formulated and implemented according to the situations of different places; measures should be taken to energetically promote the implementation of patent strategy and make breakthroughs in some key areas. Authorities of various regions should strengthen self-construction and improve their planning and coordination capacities to pragmatically shoulder the important task of implementing the Compendium.

Before the conference, Mr. Tian meets Wang Zhengwei, Chairman of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, discussing on the topic of further developing IP work in Ningxia.

A total of 150 people, including heads of IP administrations of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, vice-provincial cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, demonstration cities of IP work and candidature demonstration cities, and major heads of related departments and units of SIPO attend the conference.

 The conference




