Tian Lipu Meets Examiners From the National Office of Industrial Property of Vietnam Being Trained in China


Recently, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu meets an examiner delegation of six from the National Office of Industrial Property of Vietnam (NOIP) who come to China for training.

Mr. Tian first expresses his welcome to these NOIP examiners. He points out that the training is a cooperation project signed in the Summary of Conversations between SIPO and NOIP. He hopes the Vietnamese examiners can enjoy their stay in China. Vietnamese examiners express their thanks and indicate they will work hard to learn the advanced experience of SIPO in patent examination.

During the training, teachers from SIPO explains topics such as China’s patent system, substantive examination, SIPO retrieval resources and reexamination and follow-up procedures, and discuss with Vietnamese examiners on some specific cases. During their stay in China, these examiners also visit SIPO, some of its agencies and enterprises.

This is the first foreign-related training launched by SIPO with the Special Fund for Human Resource Training Facing Developing Countries, as well as a primary exploration for SIPO to organize specialized teachers for foreign-related training, playing a sound promotion role to the cooperation between SIPO and NOIP.

