Yang Tiejun Meets Head of ROSPATENT and His Party



On the afternoon of July 17, SIPO Deputy Commissioner Yang Tiejun meets Boris Simonov, the visiting Director General of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks of Russia (ROSPATENT) and his party, exchanging views on topics of both concerns.


Mr. Yang first expresses his welcome to Mr. Simonov on behalf of SIPO. He introduces the formulation work of China's national IP strategy and presents a copy of English-version of the Compendium of China National IP Strategy (hereafter referred to as the Compendium) to Mr. Simonov. He says that the State Council recently holds an executive meeting, and examines and adopts the Compendium, indicating the completion of the formulation work of the national IP strategy. China will enter the phase of implementing the national IP strategy. Mr. Yang also briefs SIPO's functions of IPR protection and coordination.

Mr. Simonov notes that he is very happy to see China promulgating the Compendium. He introduces the "patent applications for innovation" during the meeting and discusses with Mr. Yang on other international IP issues. He expresses his thanks to Mr. Yang for arranging the meeting, listening to related suggestions from Russian side and the frank view exchanges. He hopes to continue strengthening exchanges between ROSPATENT and SIPO on IP-related issues.

Related heads from SIPO International Cooperation Department attend the meeting.




