Press Conference of the Development and Prospect of China’s IP System Held in Beijing


On the afternoon of July 29, SIPO Spokesman Yin Xintian, who is also Director General of the Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs of SIPO, introduces information related to the development, protection and implementation of China’s IP system and answers questions from the domestic and foreign media together with heads of SIPO International Cooperation Department and Coordination and Administration Department at the Press Conference of the Development and Prospect of China’s IP System held in Beijing International Media Center.

Mr. Yin notes that China has modified its Patent Law twice after it is legislated. In January 2008, the third modification of Patent Law is listed into the legislation work schedule of the State Council in 2008. Currently, the modification draft of the Patent Law is being discussed by the State Council and will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for examination. The modification work is expected to complete in the first half of 2009.

Mr. Yin points out that Chinese Government always attaches great importance to effective legal protection of patent rights and has established the protection mode with Chinese characteristics of paralleling patent administration law enforcement and judicial enforcement. Measures have been taken to constantly improve and increase the law-enforcement levels with prominent effect achieved. From 2003 to 2007, regional IP administrations nationwide totally handle 6,427 cases of patent disputes of various kinds and deal with 919 cases of patent counterfeits and 8,152 cases of patent imitations, effectively protecting the legal rights and interests of patent holders and maintaining just and orderly markets.

Mr. Yin stresses that the promulgation of the Compendium of China National IP Strategy is of great significance to the promotion of patent system development. Patent strategy occupies a very important position in IP strategy, ranking the top of all the special tasks. The implementation of patent strategy will surely further optimizing China’s patent system, increase China’s capacity of creating, utilizing, administrating and protecting patents and intensify China’s capacity of independent innovation.

On the question of Olympic IPR protection, Mr. Yin states that it is a solemn commitment of Chinese Government to strictly protect Olympic IPRs during the Games while bidding for 2008 Olympic Games. A series of laws and regulations such as Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Symbols, Patent Law, Trademark Law, Copyright Law and Regulations on the Administration of Special Signs constitute a comparatively perfect legal system of protecting Olympic IPRs in China. Through earnest law-enforcement efforts, related departments and judicial organs severely deal with a large amount of cases of Olympic IPR infringements during the six years. We believe, through these measures, we can ensure Olympic IPRs being respected not only during the Olympic Games, but also after the sports events.

A total of 45 journalists from 37 media at home and abroad attend the press conference.

