Appraisal Conference of National Advanced Governmental Portal Website Branch the IP Administration Setups Held, Yang Tiejun Present



Mr. Yang points out that the IP government portal website is the window for SIPO to conduct management and serve the society with information means, as well as an important part of e-government construction of SIPO. Branches in various regions have played important roles in the content contribution to the government portal website, information delivery and online interview.

He stresses that the goal of perfecting related stimulation mechanisms and launching appraisal work is to further mobilize the enthusiasm of IP administrations in various regions, and promote website content contribution so as to bring the roles of the government portal website of IP administration setups nationwide in the development of China's IP cause into full play.

Headed by Mr. Yang, the appraisal panel consists of the heads in SIPO related departments and some regional IP administrations.


On April 26, SIPO Government Portal Website is upgraded into the Government Portal Website of the National IP Administration Setups with 32 provincial branches being launched at the same time, indicating the formation of SIPO government portal's national website cluster.

