SIPO Newly Sets up the Protection Coordination Department for Overall Planning and Coordination Work


Recently, SIPO newly sets up the Protection Coordination Department according to the Provisions on the Main Functions, Internal Structure and Staffing of the State Intellectual Property Office printed and issued by the General Office of the State Council. The new department is responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of IPR protection nationwide and the work related to the implementation of the national IP strategy.


According to the Provisions on the Main Functions, Internal Structure and Staffing of the State Intellectual Property Office printed and issued by the General Office of the State Council, SIPO shoulders new administrative responsibilities, undertaking the works of the Leading Group of Formulating National IP Strategy and the State Working Group of IPR Protection, both of which have been cancelled, and responsible for coordinating IPR protection throughout the country and implementing of the Compendium on China National IP Strategy together with related departments.


The Compendium on China National IP Strategy has been promulgated and SIPO has made the implementation of the national IP strategy as the focus of its work and strengthened its functions of macro-management and overall planning and coordination. The newly established Protection Coordination Department is responsible for formulating and promoting the implementation plans of the national IP strategy, boosting the establishment of inter-departmental coordination mechanisms of the national IP strategy work, and strengthening the overall coordination of strategy implementation so as to ensure the realization of the goal of the national IP strategy. The department is also responsible for drafting the general and specific policies of IPR protection work nationwide, coordinating the special actions of IPR protection, undertaking the task of IPR-related law-enforcement mechanism and executing related work of administrative law enforcement.


In addition, the former Coordination and Administration Department has been renamed as the Patent Administration Department; the International Cooperation Department also uses the name of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

