Establishment Meeting of SIPO Protection Coordination Department Held, Tian Lipu Present


SIPO recently holds the establishment meeting of Protection Coordination Department. Tian Lipu, Secretary of the Party Leading Group and Commissioner of SIPO attends the meeting and delivers an important speech.

Mr. Tian points out that according to the function adjustment plan and the regulations of "fixed responsibility, fixed mechanism and fixed manning quotas" of SIPO approved by the State Council, SIPO specially establishes the Protection Coordination Department. The establishment of the new departmental level mechanism is of great significance, strengthening SIPO's duty in overall planning and coordinating IP work, which is an important opportunity, as well as a great challenge to SIPO.

Mr. Tian stresses that we do not have sufficient capacity, knowledge and experience in undertaking the work in the new area; but thanks to the more than 20 years' of patent administration work, SIPO possesses an outstanding professional talent group and has the experience of formulating IP strategy. In this sense, we have our unique advantages in implementing the national IP strategy and protecting IPRs nationwide. We should establish our confidence, transform the pressures into impetus so as to fully perform our functions endorsed by the State Council.

Mr. Tian requires the leading group, section level cadres and staff members of the new department not to let the Party Leading Group down, and that they should pragmatically research and conduct their work, and lift their levels of political ideology and policy through more learning and practice so as to improve the organization and coordination capacity and initiate various work conscientiously. He finally points out that implementing IP strategy and protecting IPRs are not the work of only one department; all the departments of SIPO should implement the regulation of "fixed responsibility, fixed mechanism and fixed manning quotas", make joint efforts to promote the work under the spirit of high-level collaboration, and boost the greater development of IP cause.

At the meeting, SIPO Human Resource Department Director Xiao Luqing reads out the decision of appointments and removals of department and section-level leading cadres. Huang Qing, Director of Protection Coordination Department speaks at the meeting on behalf of all the staff of his department, saying that the newly established department is facing new work, heavy task, high requirements and great responsibility. Everyone in his department feels proud having the important work from the Party Leading Group. All the people from the department will never let SIPO leaders and staff members down, and they will work hard to implement their duties, so as to promote faster and better development of various work.

The newly established Protection Coordination Department will be responsible for formulating the plans of boosting the implementation of the national IP strategy, promoting the establishment of inter-department coordination mechanisms of the national IP strategy work, and strengthening the overall planning and coordination of strategy implementation so as to ensure the realization of the objectives of the national IP strategy. The department will also undertake the task of formulating the guiding principles and related policies concerning the national IPR protection work, coordinating special actions of IPR protection, serving as the collaboration mechanism of IPR law enforcement and conducting the work related to administrative law enforcement.

Participants of the meeting include departmental leaders of SIPO related departments, major heads of various comprehensive administration departments of SIPO Patent Office, China Intellectual Property News, SIPO Development and Research Center, and all the staff of Protection Coordination Department.

